Thursday, 31 July 2014

Raksha bandhan

Raksha Bandhan

The true significance of
Raksha Bandhan
The Festival of Rakhi has a special place in the
hearts of all sisters and brothers, because on
this day, they reinstate the commitment to their
pure relationship. But does it hold the same
richness that it began with? Do we know why it
started or has it become ‘just one of those things
we Indians do’? We know the literal meaning of
Rakshabandhan – the bondage of protection and
as per tradition, sisters apply ‘tilak’ on the
forehead of their brothers, tie a colourfully
decorated “rakhi’ or thread on their brother’s
wrist, and offer sweets as a token of their love.
In return, the brother vows to protect his sister
under all circumstances and of course, gives his
sister ‘kharchi’ or a gift. But do we stop to
wonder what happens if the brother is younger
than the sister or if both of them live miles apart,
or what if a girl does not have any brothers? Do
only females need protection? Are their brothers
immune to sorrow and problems? This is not an
attempt to make a mockery of our auspicious
festival, but is it celebrated with the correct
attitude? Today, it seems to be more
commercialised – what with all the different
sizes and designs of Rakhis and the greeting
cards that we find in the stores. All of our Indian
festivals have a reason behind them; all we need
to do is use our intellect to appreciate our rich
Raksha bandhan has a much deeper spiritual
explanation. It is a reminder that as souls, we
are children of the One Supreme Soul, our
Spiritual Father. Its true significance lies in
portraying the viceless and pure love between
brother and sister. The ‘tilak’ is a symbol of
awakening one’s awareness of “Soul-
conciousness” – i.e. realization of being a Soul,
or divine light energy, and NOT the physical
body. It is also a sign of being victorious. Victory
here signifies overpowering man’s greatest
enemy - the VICES of anger, sex-lust, greed,
attachment , ego…… Tying a “rakhi” is a symbol
of a bond of chastity or purity in thought, word
and deed. We face difficulties when we come
under the influence of the vices and commit
wrong actions. No action goes fruitless – good
or bad, we will face the consequences. So, when
we make a pledge to God - that we will not allow
our thoughts, words or our deeds to be ruled by
the vices - God bestows on us Divine wisdom,
becomes our true protector and liberator, and
showers us with unlimited peace and happiness!
Under His canopy of protection, we can be truly
Sweetening of the mouth is symbolic of the
victory we will feel when we overcome the vices.
God does not ask us for money or elaborate gifts
– all He asks is that we give up the vices that
are deeply hidden in the ‘pockets of the souls.’
We have to earn our happiness and security –
we do not need to be dependant on anyone.
At the present time, fear is one the biggest
diseases spreading in our world. By staying in
soul-consciousness and re-affirming our vow to
God, the Almighty, we can bring about a world of
purity, peace and prosperity! This is how to truly
celebrate Rakshabandhan.




There are no guarantees for tomorrow. This body
does not come with any guarantee. This is why it
is important to use every second in a worthwhile
way. Use every second in a worthwhile way and
the future of the soul is guaranteed. Be good, do
good - it is very simple. Om Shanti

Bk meena didi g
Rajyoga Teacher

Brahmakumaris haridwar

News from haridwar

..... 'Newness' is an important aspect of life. This
doesn't necessarily mean newness on an external,
physical level but rather newness in my character,
virtues and specialities. Pay attention to your
internal world, develop yourself and see how
entertaining and 'sparkling' you feel. Om Shanti

Dadi janki

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


★ The Benefits Of Soul Consciousness (Part 3)
The following differences between body
consciousness and soul consciousness, will
make you realize the benefits of soul
consciousness (the practice of meditation
make us soul conscious):
In Body Consciousness: I am disturbed by
feelings of false attractions.
In Soul Consciousness: I am attracted by the
qualities of the Supreme Soul only.
In Body Consciousness: I give sorrow, like a
thorn hurting everyone.
In Soul Consciousness:I spread the fragrance
of virtues like a flower.
In Body Consciousness: I see everyone relative
to my individual identity, my life revolving
around "me"... this is arrogance (ego).
In Soul Consciousness: I respect each
individual and relate to them with humility
In Body Consciousness: I am tense and tired.
In Soul Consciousness: I am alert and relaxed.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa
Vidyalaya, (Brahma Kumaris in short) is a
unique Vishwa Vidyalaya ( university ) and a
well known spiritual value based educational
institution. Through it’s teachings, the
institution has gained global acceptance and
unique international recognition. The
institution believes in the parenthood of God
and the brotherhood of man and is open to
the people of the entire globe irrespective
of their caste, creed, age and social,
economic or political status.


ये रास्ते ले ही जाएंगे मंजिल तक तूं होंसला रख,
कभी सुना है कि अंधेरे ने सुबह ना होने
दी हो..!!


आवश्यकता ही आवि
की कुंजी

Positive thinking

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.
When you wake up, take a second to think about
what a privilege it is to simply be alive and
healthy. The moment you start acting like life is a
blessing, I assure you that it will start to feel like
one. Time spent living is time worth appreciating.

Om shanti......

Monday, 28 July 2014

Haridwar temple

A very beautifully spritual knowledge for self,  soul and about  The God also.......

Brahmakumaris haridwar address

Opp - Rishikul ayurvadic college,

Brahmakumaris haridwar centre

Opp-Rishikul ayurvadic college
Phone -8006631110

Tanav mukt jivan


Bk meena bahn ji with CISF commandant and battalion.


Bk meena bahn ji,brahmakumaris haridwar presenting a godly gift to mahamandleshver swami shyamsundar das ji at brahmakumarries centre.

Sunday, 27 July 2014


A spiritual programme "Alvida tanav" organized by Brahmakumaris haridwar

बृहमाकुमारीज् विश्व कल्याणकारी सबसे बड़ी संस्था है------महामंडलेशवर डा श्यामसुंदरदास जी, हरिद्वार


बृहमाकुमारीज् हरिद्वार ने किया अलविदा तनाव विषय पर आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम

अखबारों में प्रकाशित हुई झलकियां


Always be positive.....
For learn positive thinking
Plzzz go to your nearest brahmakumaris centre and be happy


Bk meena bahn ji meets with jagatguru sankracharya ji  with Bro Deepak and yogiraj ji and
Leela mata


Sab satyo mai satya mahan shiv hai hum sab k bhagwan

Brahmakumaris haridwar

Great effort for peace by brahmakumaris..... Across the whole world.....

Brahmakumaris haridwar

Mahamandleshver ji at brahmakumarries centre...with s s p haridwar and bk meena bahn g

Press news

Om shanti

Friday, 25 July 2014

Tension free life

आधुनिक समय की भागमभाग
जिंदगी में मनुष्य का जीवन तनावों से
भरा होता। तनाव कई तरह
की बीमारियों को जन्म देता है। आज
प्रत्येक व्यक्ति किसी ने किसी तनाव में
गुजर रहा होता है। इसलिए तनाव को दूर करना बेहद
जरूरी है। कुछ उपायों को अपनाकर मनुष्य तनाव
को दूर कर सकता है।
जब आप रात को सोने के लिए बिस्तर पर जाएं
तो अपनी सारी परेशानियों का दरकिनार करके
चैन से सोएं। इससे आप सुबह उठकर बिल्कुल तरोताजा महसूस
करेंगे और साथ ही आपको तनाव का दबाव
भी नहीं लगेगा। इससे आप
ज्यादा एनर्जी के साथ अपनी समस्याओं
को सुलझा पाएंगे।
अपनी बिजी लाइफ में से कुछ वक्त
अपने लिए निकालें। प्रकृति के साथ वक्त बिताएं, म्यूजिक सूनें।
इससे आपके दिमाग को राहत मिलेगी और तनाव
का दबाव कम होगा। आप जिस बात को लेकर तनाव में है उसे अपने
किसी दोस्त या फैमिली मेंबर से शेयर करें।
इससे आपका मन थोड़ा हल्का होगा और आपको राहत
तनाव दूर करने के लिए सुबह कुछ देर एक्सरसाइज,
योगा या मेडिटेशन करें। इससे आपके मन
को शांति मिलेगी और आप अच्छा महसूस करेंगे।

For more information
Please contact to your nearest brahmakumaris centre.......

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Dadi says........

The mantra of 'Om Shanti' is a powerful tool
for life. Say it three times. The first 'Om
Shanti' reminds me of who I really am; I am a
peaceful soul. The second 'Om Shanti' reminds
me that The Supreme Soul is my Father and
that He is always with me. The third 'Om
Shanti' reminds me that I am an actor playing
my part on this world drama stage and that
everyone else is also an actor. Om Shanti

            Dadi janki

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Brahmakumaris haridwar news

Bk meena invited to sankracharya ji for a spiritual programme in Haridwar