Sunday 3 August 2014


Stress free life

Stress has been identified as a leading cause of
many health problems. Largely psychological,
rather than physical in origin and therefore much
more difficult to prevent and remedy, modern
stress affects nearly all of us at some point in
our lives. Regardless of its origins, stress drains
our physical, emotional and mental energy.
Several myths exist about the causes of stress
and the most effective ways of dealing with it. A
Stress–Free Living seminar can free you from
these illusions and misconceptions and give you
a new perspective. You will learn how to:
Identify different levels of stress and rise above
them to create a relaxed mind and body;
Protect yourself from negative influences;
Gain confidence in dealing with difficult
Empower your ability to respond effectively in
high stake situations.
The seminar is taught in small and large groups.
For more information on dates and timings
please contact a location near you.

                 By Brahmakumaris

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