Saturday, 9 August 2014


Sixty seven years ago, we Indians got independence from the hundreds of years of anarchic, humiliating British rule. Thanks to the invaluable contributions by innumerable freedom fighters of our great nation, India became an Independent country on 15th August 1947. And the reason why we can breathe today in independent Bharat is because of those famous and unsung real heroes and heroines of Mother India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom. Hailing from different parts of the country, they applied different methods but had one aim, i.e. to liberate Mother India from the British rule. Undoubtedly the names of all these martyrs will forever be written in the golden letters in the history of Indian Independence. However, if we analyse the situation of the present Bharat since its independence, we’ll find that, the situation has in fact worsened. Apart from the drastic increase in the existing problems such as poverty, overpopulation, unemployment, dowry etc., some more grave problems such as terrorism, crimes against women, everincreasing corruption in politics, administration etc., have marred the development and caused deterioration in  the law and order situation of the country. Considering the overall present picture as prevailing in Bharat, let us ask ourselves: “Was this the kind of Independence which our great patriots had dreamt of for us?” Many believe that during the British rule we were far better than what we are now. So, it is clear that we have failed to make our nation Ram Rajya which was the dream of Bapuji (Mahatma Gandhi), the Father of our Nation. What are the reasons behind the unprecedented grave situation that we are facing today? There is constant fear of war  because of conflicting relationships between most of the neighbouring countries. The nature is also showing the signs of deterioration due to degradation of human values. Sex-Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego, Jealousy, Enmity etc., are omnipresent. In fact, it is these vices which are responsible for the present state of chaos and feeling of insecurity and the unavoidable mass destruction of the world in general and Bharat in particular. It must be understood that these vices are nothing but the real Maya or devil Ravana which have maligned us and made us body-conscious, thus making us forget our real identity. That is why we have become sorrowful, diseaseprone, weak and subject to untimely death. It is because of these vices that our youths have been addicted to drugs, alcohol etc. The presence of these very vices has resulted in the degradation of character of man which is quite evident from the ever-rising crimes against women and various forms of exploitation of women and children. It is the time of Doomsday about which it has been mentioned in the holy Quran that at such a juncture God comes from His Supreme Abode to liberate us souls from the graveyard. It is the same time now when the Supreme Father (Param Pita) of all fathers has descended from His Supreme Abode to liberate us from the real foreigner, i.e. ‘Ravana’, who is our real enemy. Ravana is none other than our own vices or weaknesses. It is this Ravana who has made the erstwhile Golden Sparrow Bharat into a country that is morally and spiritually bankrupt. In order to re-create the Rama Rajya, the world Bapu, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, God Shiva, has come down to earth and has been teaching Rajyoga through the corporeal medium of Brahma Baba since 1936-37. He has been teaching about the Soul, the Supreme Soul; the beginning, middle and end of the worldcycle, and Karma Philosophy through the Corporeal Medium of Dada Lekhraj who was later renamed by God Shiva as Prajapita Brahma. He has formed a completely non-violent army of Shiv Shaktis and Pandavas (i.e. those women and men) who practise Rajyoga in their daily life in letter and spirit. He is enabling us to become completely vice-less, i.e. pure and self-sovereign. His main teaching to us is to be soulconscious and to remember Him only. By following the teachings of the Supreme Father, we become completely viceless and create the right atmosphere for the upcoming new Golden Age which is going to be a very pure era, the Satyuga. People, take birth in that Era on the basis of the divine qualities they develop in the present Kaliyuga. In that new   world, everyone will be completely pure; they will be like deities and it willl be a virtual heaven, a peaceful and happy world! So, let us now understand how these vices have affected us souls so negatively and viciously and how we can attain real independence from them. Vice of Lust: As per Godly knowledge, this is the No. 1 vice, which has tarnished the purity of souls which were once deities in Golden Age and Silver Age. It starts from the bodyconsciousness which starts from identifying with the physical self and later induces us to commit the greatest sin amongst all. This vice along with the vice of anger has been mentioned in even Shrimad Bhagwat Gita as the greatest enemy of the mankind. This single vice has made this world a dirty and impure world. It makes one’s mind criminal. A person under the influence of this greatest subtle enemy loses the conscience of right and wrong and is induced towards immorality and in some cases lead to heinous crimes. This is the vice that has turned this erstwhile Golden Sparrow Bharat or Paradise into hell, for it has maligned the intellect of human soul and has resulted in the downfall of character. Now in the present auspicious Confluence Age, God Shiva, who is the Ocean of Knowledge, Purity, Love, Peace and Compassion reveals to us that being the children of one Supreme Father, we are all soul brothers. This state of awareness constantly civilizes our eye and His remembrance absolves us of our past sins and makes us worship worthy, i.e. deities in the forthcoming Golden Age. It must be noted that God Shiva is establishing a pure household in the form of Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan – the empress and emperor of the forthcoming Golden Age. Anger: This is another main vice which results in the destruction of us human souls. It is the most common vice. Just a few words said under the influence of anger cause pain and wounds in the mind of the others and results in the breakup of relationships or create bitterness between them. Such a person sooner or later becomes isolated as everyone wants to avoid such a person. However, if we learn and practise Rajyoga being taught by Incorporeal God Shiva, we get the realization that we are souls and peace is our true nature. Thus, we are able to change our vicious attitude into positive one. As we increase our self-awareness, we are able to see everything with positive attitude, give regard and receive regard. Thus, we are able to transform even our enemies into our friends. Greed: Even though it is a subtle vice but its consequences are very dangerous. Greed or avarice comes from the wants or desire to accumulate wealth, possessions etc. unnecessarily at the cost of causing loss to others. It begins with a subtle thought: ‘I want to have this’ or the belief that ‘more is better’ and satisfying the desires becomes more of an addiction thus eroding our sense of morality. It results in many social evils such as bribery, forgery, deceit, murder etc. In order to conquer it, God advises us to have pure temptation of receiving God Fatherly Birthright of Paradise from Him, which is possible when we imbibe the most precious divine knowledge and make our life virtuous like that of a deity. Attachment: It is another very common subtle vice which causes so many problems such as mental trauma, agony, bitterness, loneliness, etc. It is a web in which one gets stuck drastically. Because of bodyconsciousness, we forget that we were born in this world alone and have to go alone. We start searching for a friend, a life partner etc., with the hope of sharing our joys and sorrows with him/her. It induces us to make decision based on favouritism. Attachment can be with relatives, friends and also with the possessions, status, objects etc. It creates dependence on our near and dear ones so much so that we cannot imagine our life living away or without them. Now in this present auspicious Confluence Age, God Shiva advises us to forget all bodies and bodily relationships and remember Him constantly, because it is only He who is our saviour and Ocean of Love, whose love is unlimited and unconditional. Since, as per Godly knowledge, this is our last birth in this kalpa (time cycle), what we all need to do is to recognize our most beloved Supreme Father and remember Him only and to have pure relationships with soul brothers. This will enable us to receive unlimited love and blessings from God Father. Ego: The last but not the least vice is that of ego, which is also very subtle. It is also called arrogance. An egoist or arrogant person usually thinks about himself or his friends, relatives and near and dear ones only. He may have an arrogance of his skills, talents, intellect, special qualities etc. Sometimes a person, who has conquered all other vices, stumbles at this last hurdle. In that case, it gives birth to all of the vices yet again. Such a person usually says, “I’m right”, “I do this”, “I did this”, “You know nothing”. Such a person can very easily hurt the feelings of others. An egoist person is more likely to have the feeling of revenge and is prone to feel insulted very often. It starts with the feelings of ‘I’ and ‘Me’. Now God Shiva advises us that whenever we say ‘I’, we should remember our original identity is: ‘I am not a body but a soul, a point of light and I have complete control over my body, which is my chariot.’ If I’ve such a remembrance, my every karma will be pure and divine. Further, if we think about ‘my’, we should remember ‘My Baba’ only, i.e. God Father who is Ocean of all virtues and powers. This remembrance will enable us to conquer ego. If we follow God Father Shiva divine knowledge and apply the same into our practical lives, we will not only be able to conquer all these vices, but will also be able to fulfil the dream of Ram Rajya of Bapuji, Mahatma Gandhi. That will be the real independence

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